2019 - 2020
Homework Club: Library: Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Trulli, Mrs. Lomanno
Monday - Thursday 1:40 - 2:30
A homework club pass will be needed to attend this club. Passes can be picked up in the main office.
Homework club is designed to be a quiet place where students can work with support. Students should come prepared with homework or reading materials. Electronic devices are not permitted.
Drama: - Auditorium - Mrs. Prindiville
Monday, Wed. & Thursday 1:45 - 2:30
SADD: Room 302 - Mr. Taylor
Monday 1:45 - 2:45
9/23, 10/28, 11/25, 12/16, 1/13, 3/2, 3/30, 4/13, 5/18, 6/1
Art Club: Room 347 - Mr. Roberts
Wednesday 1:45-2:40
Yearbook: Room 347 - Mr. Roberts
Various days - Meetings are as needed.
After School Sports: Gym - Mrs. Simpson, Ms. Jackson
Monday - Gr. 8 - Mrs. Simpson
Tuesday - Gr. 6 - Miss Jackson
Wednesday - Gr. 6 - Mrs. Simpson
Thursday - Gr. 7 - Miss Jackson
Acappella: Auditorium - Mrs. Prindiville
Tuesdays 1:45 - 2:30
Student Council: Room 221 - Mr. Robinson
1:45 - 230
WMS Student Council is open to all 8th graders. The first meeting of the Student Council will be Tuesday 9/24/19 in room 221 from 1:45-2:30. The group typically meets at least once a month but does meet more frequently to prepare for larger schoolwide events. Meetings will be announced with as much notice as possible and will be announced during the morning announcements. Please see Mr. Robinson in room 221 with questions.
WCTV Video Club: Mr. McCue (*WMS # WCTV)
Start date - October 1
*10/1, #10/8, #10/15, #10/22, *10/29, #11/12, #11/19, #11/26, *12/3,
#12/10, #12/17, *1/7, #1/14, #1/21, #1/28, *2/4, #2/11, #2/25, *3/3, #3/10, #3/17
#3/24, #3/31, *4/7, #4/14, #4/28, *5/5, #5/12, #5/19
Best Buddies: Room 145 - Mr. Caira
Tuesday 1:45 - 2:30
9/24, 10/22, 11/12, 12/17, 1/21, 2/15, 3/24, 4/28, 5/19
Literary Magazine: Room 222 - Mrs. Madden
1:40 - 2:40
1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month
Math Club: Mr. Manchester Robotics: Mr. Ronchetti - Mr. Kaizer - Mrs. Kim
Dates - TBD Room 248
Thursday 1:50 - 2:40 room 248